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Milford Baptist Kindergarten

Week 10/10 Monday 24 September

Last week of the term, term 4 starts on Monday 15 October at 8.45 am.

Our holiday programme is full, you will have received the two weeks fees in your child’s pocket. Term 4 fees will be in your child’s pocket before the end of this week.

Please find attached the last newsletter for term 3.

This weeks learning:

Inquiry: Exploring artistic creativity through different mediums.

Bible story of the week: Jesus calms the sea.

Rockets Letter of the week: Revision of all letters.

Have a wonderful two-week break if you are not attending the next two weeks.

We wish Luisa and David a safe and amazing travel adventure, see you back in NZ on 5th November.

Thank you for your support this morning for Maggie Barry’s visit, we are so blessed to have such amazing parents smile